Sunday, August 28, 2011

Leaving Their Mark: Captains and Seniors

Captains Carly Collins, Sarah Rothrock, and Ashley McKenna look forward to this fall season. The three captains have lead the team by example this preseason and will continue to guide the team with their experiences and positive attitudes.

Seniors, Melissa Myers, Sarah Rothrock, Elva Composto, Megan Keiser, Linda Martine, and Devon Miniscalco are eager to leave their mark on ESU Women's soccer. They have bonded over the last three years together and will continue to grow as individuals and as a group in their final season.


C.W. Post, Earthquake, TCNJ, and Hurricane Irene... Oh My!

The Warriors traveled to Long Island for the first scrimmage of the season against C.W. Post. The earthquake did not stop the team from shaking up things on the field that day.

Later in the week, the team tested themselves against the College of New Jersey at home. The scrimmage was pushed up to Friday to avoid Hurricane Irene.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bowling and Bonding

The Lady Warriors competed off the field today and bonded over bowling.
(Seniors) Sarah, Linda, (Freshmen) Courtney, Rachel, and Megan (Senior) show off their shoes at the bowling alley (Below on Left). Newcomers, Erika, Karin, Jordyn, Brit, and Kelly are eager to begin their first season at ESU and grow together as a team.

Freshman, Lauren, and Sophomore, Nicki are seen above ready to bowl.

Freshman, Lindsay Hoffman had the high score of the day with 140 (Below on Left).

Junior, Ashley, and Sophomores, Britt and Kaitlyn. (Below)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Training in the Stadium

Morning practice, the team suits up for training on the turf.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Down Time In the Dorms

Day 4 of preseason, the team relaxes in the lobby of Hawthorne Hall. Together, they have endured move in, fitness tests, thunderstorms, and a few two a days. Now the players, take time out to get to know the newcomers and recover from a long morning of training.
On Right, newcomers, Lexi, Lindsay, Courtney, Karin, and Brit

Above, upperclassmen, Melissa , Ashley, Sarah aka "Rock" and Megan.
Below left, Amanda, Marissa, Adrianna, Carly, and Kerri aka "Jerri" Below right, Devon, Elva, and Bridget

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Move In Day: Preseason Begins Tomorrow

The East Stroudsburg University Women's Soccer program gears up for its upcoming fall with preseason practices starting tomorrow. Sunday evening the players moved in together to begin the new year and are eager to begin training.